A simple blog of what is going on in and around the business, client activity and successes along the way.
10 Minute Presentations
April 2017. I pulled off a series of 10 minute Business Improvement Tip presentations in the last week on Putting Strategic Relationships to work, Credit control and Cash Managment and Finding TIME to get 'stuff' done. Delighted to get warm feedback from several quarters and feeling inspired to do more next month.
90 Day planning meeting
April 2017. I carried out an intensive 90 Day planning meeting with my Heating and Plumbing small business client today in an open restaurent. This was a first as we usually set aside a quiet private spot where we can discuss topics robustly and get details down into a strong and do-able format. It was testimony to my client's relaxed and laid-back approach that despite people, pets and hubub, we got the plan completed and a clear and detailed set of S.M.A.R.T Goals and targeted actions. We now have a set of simple weekly steps in place to go forward with for the next 90 days and a macro vision and long term plan within which to put the targets in context.
Chair of Twyford Loddon Chapter of BNI
March 2017. My last meeting as President saw my handing over the reins for our weekly meetings to Christine Wilson. We had a couple of interesting visitors from neighbouring BNI chapters and over £30,000 of business passed
Chair of 3FM Business Networking in Henley
March 2017. We saw several new faces and over 50 regulars for our monthly networking meeting. Topics included "Why protest and does it ever achieve anything" and a 10 minutes from Jan Watson from People Consulting on "Opportunities for self development in small businesses".
Chair of LFM Business Networking in Twyford
March 2017. a smaller meeting than Henley but still attracting our regulars for our monthly networking meeting. One topic overode all others this week which was based around "A tidy desk is a tidy mind - how do you deal with piles and clutter and still get things done?" which led to a robust discussion on hoarding, best intentions and finding information buried deep in pile upon piles.